Saturday, March 21, 2020

Post-emergency phase health plan for Beravania The WritePass Journal

Post-emergency phase health plan for Beravania REFERENCES Post-emergency phase health plan for Beravania INTRODUCTIONSITUATION ANALYSISKEY PRIORITY AREASREFERENCES Related INTRODUCTION Republic of Beravania is victimised by man-made and natural devastation. Such emergencies are responsible for immediate and long term effects in low income countries. In addition to deaths due to such catastrophes, disruption of the basic services such as shelter, electricity, water and healthcare leads to increased morbidity and mortality amongst the victims during and after the calamity (Kruk et al., 2010, Jean, 1999). Considering the country profile for Beravania and the information available, this is a strategic national health plan for post emergency situation for 2009-14. It is divided in two parts. In the first part, the current situation is analysed and four broad areas of priority health needs are identified and justified. In the second part strategic approaches have been recommended to deal with this priority health needs and further appropriate interventions are planned. SITUATION ANALYSIS Republic of Beravania is an ancient country victimised by man-made and natural catastrophes. These emergencies have worsen the poor health status of the population to such an extent that it could not recover till date. The deteriorating health status of the people especially of the vulnerable group (children and women) call for an urgent need to concentrate the efforts of national and international agencies in planning and strengthening the current health system by a need based health plan for the country. Country has subtropical to cold climate with moderate to heavy rain. Inspite of that there   is great constraint in access to clean and safe drinking water to majority of population due to poor infrastructure for storage and supply causing direct impact to the health and physical development of the people especially children. Beravania is one of the poorest country facing great economic difficulties, political and ethnic crisis that further depreciate the situation. Analysis of health indicators of the population reveals that there is very high infant as well as under five mortality rate. The leading causes identified for mortality are diarrhoeal disease, acute respiratory infection, dengue fever, vaccine preventable diseases, and protein-energy malnutrition and micronutrient deficiency. Communicable diseases such as HIV, TB and Malaria are a great threat to all age group causing high rate of morbidity and mortality. Disease surveillance system is comparatively well-organized and functional. Health service delivery is inadequate, inaccessible and unaffordable for such a large population due to human and financial resource constraints and unequal allocation of available resources. KEY PRIORITY AREAS The key priority areas identified based on the assessment information for health plan are: 1) Food Security and Nutrition Food shortage and malnutrition are common problems during and after emergencies. Food shortage occurs mainly due to unexpected substantial decline in food availability and accessibility (Korf, 2002, Jean, 1999). In the current scenario, despite of good climate and rainfall suitable for fairly good amount of food crop production, food shortage and malnutrition are most prevalent due to urbanisation, socio-economic reforms, civil conflict and natural calamities like flood and famine (Messer, 2001). It has been proved by various researches that prevalence of malnutrition is much higher among these people as compared to common population. Protein Energy Malnutrition and micronutrient deficiency are commonly identified nutritional problems which are major cause of increased morbidity and mortality in these situations and similar pattern is observed in Beravania also (Jean, 1999). Improving the nutritional status has a positive impact on health status, resistance to disease and psycho-social well being which justifies it to be on the priority list. 2) Health Service Strengthening Post emergency period is most convenient for improving the healthcare services that has been ruined by the catastrophes. Healthcare is a basic necessity and so during emergency main focus is on quantity of health service provision while in post emergency adequate health service provision and strengthening is important to be considered. Health services established during emergency phase can be reoriented, restructured and reinforced based on needs assessment (Alonso, 2006). In the post emergency phase healthcare programmes requiring stable circumstances with long term treatment and follow-up such as T.B, HIV, Mental health and maternal and child health programmes can be restructured and implemented effectively (Kruk et al., 2010). Community health services can also be reorganised. 3) Communicable Disease Control There is an increased risk of epidemic of communicable diseases even in the post emergencies period. Some of the common contributing risk factors are deprivation of basic needs such as food, clean drinkable water, healthcare as well as increased risk due to deficiency of nutrition and immunity, lack of shelter, sanitation and hygiene.   Communicable diseases are primary cause of disease related morbidity and mortality during these situations. Most prevalent communicable diseases during this situation are diarrhoeal disease, acute respiratory infections, T.B, HIV and malaria (Speigel, 2004). Similar condition is observed in Beravania in the post emergency phase. Hence it requires an immediate attention. 4) Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Water is the basic necessity that is impacted severely during emergencies and even in post emergencies if problem is not resolved by long term sustainable alternatives. â€Å"Water and environment plays a major role in spread of communicable diseases and epidemics† (Jean, 1999). In Beravania in-spite of having good rainfall it is facing scarcity of clean drinking water and also spread of diarrhoeal disease which is one of the leading causes of child morbidity and mortality post emergency. Hence it is considered as a priority for planning and maintaining minimum risk threshold for water, sanitation and hygiene related morbidity and mortality (Richards, 2004). twa REFERENCES ALONSO, A. 2006. Rehabilitating the health system after conflict in East Timor: a shift from NGO to government leadership. Health Policy and Planning, 21, 206-216. JEAN, R., E. SONDROP, F. VAULTIER (ed.) 1999. Refugee Health An approach to emergency situations. KORF, B., E. BAUER. 2002. Food Security in the Context of Crisis and Conflict: Beyond Continuum Thinking. Gatekeeper Series No.SA106, 1, 1-25. KRUK, M. E., ROCKERS, P. C., WILLIAMS, E. H., VARPILAH, S. T., MACAULEY, R., SAYDEE, G. GALEA, S. 2010. Availability of essential health services in post-conflict Liberia. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 88, 527-534. MESSER, E., M.J. COHEN, T.MARCHIONE. 2001. Conflict: A Cause and Effect of Hunger. In: ECSP (ed.). RICHARDS, P., K.BAH, J.VINCENT. 2004. Social Capital and Survival: Prospects for Community-Driven Development in Post-Conflict Sierra Leone. In: BANK, W. (ed.) Community Driven Development, Conflict prevention and Reconstruction. World Bank. SPEIGEL, P. B. 2004. HIV/AIDS among Conflict affected and displaced populations: Dispeclling Myths and taking action. Disasters, 28, 322-339.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Learn How to Use Lo in Spanish

Learn How to Use Lo in Spanish Lo is one of those words that doesnt always have a clear definition - and it can function in at least three different ways, as a subject pronoun, object pronoun, or definite article. When you run across the word in a sentence and dont know what it means, you often need to figure out first how it is being used. Here, in rough order of how common they are, are the ways that lo can be used: Using Lo as a Masculine Direct-Object Pronoun As a direct object, lo can be translated as either him or it. The feminine equivalent is la.  ¿Pablo? No lo vi. (Pablo? I didnt see him.)El coche es muy caro. Quiero comprarlo. (The car is very expensive. I want to buy it.)Dmelo. (Give it to me.)No creo que lo hayas conocido. (I dont think youve met him.) Note that in the above sentences where lo means him, referring to a person, it would be very common in some areas, particularly in Spain, to use le instead of lo. The use of le as a direct object pronoun is known as leà ­smo. Using Lo as a Neuter Definite Article The definite articles in Spanish, typically el and la when singular, are the equivalent of the English the. Lo can be used as a neuter definite article before an adjective to make an abstract noun. For example, lo importante can be translated as the important thing, that which is important, or what is important. Lo bueno es que hemos sido ms listos. (The good thing is that we have been more clever.)Lo barato sale caro. (What seems cheap ends up expensive.)Lo mejor es que me voy a casa. (The best thing is that Im going home.)Lo mà ­o es tuyo. (What is mine is yours.)El entrenador se especializa en lo imposible. (The coach specializes in the impossible.) Lo as a Neuter Direct-Object Pronoun Lo can be used as an object pronoun to refer to something abstract, to an unnamed activity or situation, or to a previous statement. Used in this way, lo is usually translated as it, sometimes as that: No podemos hacerlo. (We cant do it.)No lo comprendo. (I dont understand that.)Mi religià ³n no lo prohibe, pero cada vez que lo hago, le doy las gracias al animal por darme vida. (My religion doesnt prohibit it, but every time I do it, I give thanks to the animal for giving me life.) Using Lo With Ser and Estar It is common when answering questions to use lo  before  the verbs for to be to refer to a preceding noun or adjective. When used in this way, lo has neither number nor gender. -  ¿Es nueva tu computadora?. - No lo es. (Is your computer new? It isnt.)-  ¿Estaban felices?  - Sà ­, lo estaban. (Were they happy? Yes, they were.) Using Lo Que and Lo Cual The phrases lo que and lo cual serve as relative pronouns usually meaning that, what, or that which: La marihuana: Lo que los padres deben saber. (Marijuana: What parents ought to know.)Mis padres me daban todo lo que yo necesitaba. (My parents gave me everything that I needed.)No puedo decidir lo que es mejor. (I cant decide what is better.)No todo lo que brilla es oro. (Not everything that shines is gold.) Using Lo De The phrase lo de can be translated differently depending on the context, but generally means something like the matter concerning: Los senadores republicanos fueron informados sobre lo de la CIA. (The Republican senators were informed about the CIA matter.)Lo de que las nià ±as japonesas se perdieron no era una mentira. (The story about the Japanese girls getting lost wasnt a lie.)Lo de Castro es todo pretextos y mentiras segà ºn sus enemigos. (Castros way of doing things is all pretexts and lies, according to his enemies.) Using Lo in Phrases Phrases using lo, not necessarily in a way that seems intuitive, include: a lo largo de, throughouta lo lejos, in the distancea lo loco, like crazya lo mejor, probablylo sabe todo, he/she knows it allpor lo general, generallypor lo menos, at leastpor lo pronto, for nowpor lo tanto, as a resultpor lo visto, apparently Using Lo as an Indirect Object In some regions, you may occasionally hear the use of lo as an indirect object instead of le. However, this practice, known as loà ­smo, is considered substandard and should be avoided by those learning the language.