Prompts for college essays
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
The Computer :: essays research papers
The Computer This report is about the effect that the PC has made during the recent years on the network. It is a report that incorporates point by point data about the PC and the manner in which it has worked its way into a part of people groups regular daily existences. It incorporates data about the Internet and how it has formed people groups life from only a leisure activity and into a fixation. It incorporates definite data about its history, particularly the time wherein it was first evolved. There is data about future opportunities for the PC about who it could be the future and devastate what's to come. There is a depiction on how it is created and an inside and out glance at how it functions. A PC is a machine that lets you do pretty much all that you could consider. You can do some essential word-preparing and spreadsheets also as 'Surf the Internet'. You can play the most recent PC games without anyone else as well as against somebody from over the opposite side of the world. It can store databases which could contain data that is kept by police for simpler records or you could simply utilize it for your own family ancestry. The fundamental structure of a PC is a console, a moniter, an and case which holds all the componets to make a PC run like a Hard drive, a Motherboard, and a Video card. There are numerous different increases you can make to this, for example, a Modem, a Joystick, and a Mouse. The PC was created during the year 1945 by the Americans to assist them with unraveling adversary mystery codes during the Second World War. Right now the PCs were gigantic and just utilized by governments since they were as large as room. This was on the grounds that the primary concern they utilized were vacuum valves which made the PC gigantic. They additionally had nothing to hold any memory so they couldn't really be classed as a genuine PC. The acquaintance of a path with store a document was brought around in the year 1954. The PC didn't bigly affect the network until about the year 1985 Commodore discharged a gange of PCs called the Commodore 64 and furthermore another Commodore PC called the Vic 20 which was discharged in the year 1982. When Intel saw the Commodore 64's prosperity it discharged its spic and span 386 processor in the year 1985. In spite of the fact that the 386 was effectively the better and quicker processor the Commodore 64 appeared to be the PC getting all the consideration
Saturday, August 22, 2020
6 Reasons to Read Before Class
6 Reasons to Read Before Class Everyones school and graduate school experience is somewhat unique, yet the one thing all share practically speaking is perusing. You definitely realize that school involves a great deal of perusing. Prepare to be blown away. Graduate school is way worse. Expect your perusing burden to significantly increase, at any rate, in graduate school. With such a tremendous arrangement of understanding assignments, you may be enticed to fall behind and not read before class. Here are six reasons why you ought to stay away from enticement and read in front of the class. Benefit as much as possible from the Class Time Class time is significant. Be certain that you can track. At the point when you read early, you are bound to comprehend the association of the talk. Youll be better ready to make sense of whats significant and what isnt (and accordingly take powerful notes). Comprehend the Topic and What You Don't Understand In the event that everything that you hear in class is new, in what manner will you figure out what you comprehend and whether you have questions? In the event that you have perused in advance you can concentrate on filling holes in your comprehension by giving more consideration during certain pieces of the talk and by posing inquiries. Take an interest Most classes require probably some support. Be prepared to respond to questions and to talk about the theme. Its simple to partake when you know the point. Perusing already encourages you to comprehend the material and gives you an opportunity to think about your point of view and conclusions. Dont get captured ill-equipped. Teachers suppositions matter - don't get found faking it. Hotshot Perusing before class lets you show that youve read, that you give it a second thought, and that you are smart. Youll have the option to pose great inquiries and take an interest in a manner that shows planning, intrigue, and authority of the material. These are for the most part positive stamps in profs sees. Take an interest in Group Work Numerous classes require bunch work, regularly in class. In the event that you have perused, you are prepared and likely won't mooch off of your schoolmates, or advantage from their difficult work. Thus, on the off chance that you have perused you can tell when the gathering is going astray. As opposed to certain generalizations, successful gathering work requires planning. Show Respect Perusing early shows regard for the educator and enthusiasm for the class. While teachers emotions ought not be the essential inspiration of your conduct, associations with staff are significant and this is one simple approach to get your relationship with your educator looking great so far. Think ahead-workforce are frequently significant assets for counsel, suggestion letters, and openings. Numerous understudies discover perusing tedious, a lot of work. Have a go at utilizing perusing procedures, for example, the SQ3R strategy.
Sunday, August 2, 2020
Thoughts On Global Leadership
Thoughts On Global Leadership My mom just sent me the link to an interesting article in the latest issue of Newsweek about the future of Americas global leadership. It begins: Can the United States remain competitive in the changing global environment? Newsweek asked 15 leaders in the fields of science, technology, education and business to assess the challenges we face and to offer some solutions. MIT President Susan Hockfield weighs in, as does MIT CSAIL Director Rodney Brooks. Call me an idealist, but my favorite of the responses is that of Tim Draper, who embraces the idea of countries trying to help each other instead of simply strategizing on how best to stay on top. He encourages us to recognize that competitors can present opportunities rather than threats. To universally accept this concept, of course, would require the world to think in much broader terms. And until aliens from some other planet attack us and force us to come together as a global entity to defend ourselves, it probably wont be a top priority for civilization anytime soon. I find this sort of depressing, but I find a lot about human nature sort of depressing. :-) Thoughts? (And so this entry doesnt get too heavy, my mom also sent me this link. Enjoy.)
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Merits And Merits Of Media Coverage Of Terrorism Essay
Q. Using any case/s of your choice, discuss the merits and de-merits of media coverage of terrorism. Introduction: From the outset, the paper makes clarity of the key terms terrorism and media coverage. According to Magstadt (2009:506) terrorism has been defined in many ways, but the most definitions take into account several factors including violence’s, the desire for publicity, political motive and intimidation aimed at the civilian populations. Jerkins (n.d.) â€Å"terrorism is the use or threatened use of force designed to bring about political change†. As depicted from the above definitions activities of terrorism have gone through premeditation stage, implementation and more to be fulfilled. In 1983 the world woke up to the breaking news that terrorists bombed the United States Embassy in Beirut and killed 63 people. Other acts of terrorism followed and in 1995 the world was shocked to hear that members of the Aum Shinrikyo released deadly sarin gas in the Tokyo subway in five coordinated attacks killing 12 and severely injuring 50 and causing temporary vision problems for others and this is classified as domestic terrorism practiced within a single country by terrorists with no ties to another government. As if that was enough, in August 1998 a large car bomb explodes in the central district of Omagh, Northern Ireland killing 29 people and injuring 330. Dreadfully, four commercial jet airliners are hijacked from East Cost Airport, two were directed to crash into theShow MoreRelatedShould the Al- Shabaab Be Put on the EU Listing for Terrorist?712 Words  | 3 Pagesterrorist groups and entities (4). A recent motion to include al-Shabaab in this list has been made but is as yet unfulfilled (5). We must then seriously consider whether the actions of al-Shabaab to date constitute terrorist activity and whether this merits the addition of the organisation to the EU list of terrorist groups and entities. Originally an organ of the Islamic Courts Union, which came to power over most of Somalia in 2006, al-Shabaab emerged as an extremist organisation which violently enforcedRead MoreFreedom Isn t Free : Combating Terrorism1709 Words  | 7 PagesIsn’t Free: Combatting Terrorism Means Setting Aside Constitutional Liberties Derek Davis Liberty University CJUS 400 – B02 Johnny Sanders â€Æ' Freedom Isn’t Free: Combatting Terrorism Means Setting Aside Constitutional Liberties Throughout history, America has been confronted by opponents who wish to challenge its sovereignty. Over time, these challenges have been coined terrorism, and those that engage in terrorism have been known as terrorists. While allowing terrorism to thrive is an option thatRead MorePresident Obama And The Presidential Election887 Words  | 4 PagesThe news media don t want Hillary to win the presidential election and they are pushing this terrorism threat along with everything negative said about President Obama and the wars in the Mideast scaring the public and at the same time they are helping Trump by the blanket coverage they have been give him that to date Trump hasn t had to spend very much to advertise his campaign. That s not all the news media is doing to promote the election of repubs they constantly report everything PresidentRead MoreAnalysis Of Presidential Leadership During Times Of Crisis And Disaster1645 Words  | 7 Pagesof crisis. There are federal government policies in places for events like 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina. To gain a clear understanding of presidential leadership, one must analyze how a president should lead, govern federal administrators, manage the media, address federal-state affairs, set the limitations of military-civil affairs, and outline their policy plans (Sylves 2006). Disasters are not exempt from political attributes (Cohen Werker 2008). Political factors may clarify much of federal disasterRead MoreThe Problem Of Current Immigrant Influx1136 Words  | 5 PagesTheir stance is that the immigrants are good for Europe’s labor force, economy and aging population. They also favor the proposal on humanitarian grounds as the story of the drowning Syrian baby made headlines. I feel the humanitarian argument has merit however, there is need to point out other important impacting factors and available mechanisms to deal with the crises. Some examples of other available mechanisms are creating legal paths, tackling migration at its source, EU agreeing on asylum rulesRead MoreReal1707 Words  | 7 Pagesthat firm will retain CAPTIVE INSURER: Insurer owned by parent firm SINGLE PARENT CAPTIVE: Owned by only one parent ASSOCIATION OR GROUP CAPTIVE: Insurer owned by several parents RISK RETENTION GROUP: Group that can write any type of liability coverage except employers and personal lines DEDUCTIBLE: Specified amount subtracted from loss payment EXCESS INSURANCE POLICY: Insurer pays only if actual loss exceeds the amount retained MANUSCRIPT POLICY: Policy specially tailored for a firm UNDERWRITINGRead MoreBowling for Columbine2360 Words  | 10 Pagesâ€Å"Bowling for Columbine†by Director Michael Moore attempts to find a reason for the Columbine High School, Colorado shootings and leads to an investigation into gun laws and gun violence. Through a series of interviews, stunts, cartoons, commentary and media pieces, we are left at the end of a blunt and revealing journey wanting the answers to the various moral and ethical questions raised. Moore travels across America and Canada to get a broad pool of opinion and not only takes the trip to find a reasonRead MoreGun Control, A Real Solution To Gun Violence? Analysis1882 Words  | 8 Pagesall these can be valid reasons to the shooting, and to the high number of deaths by guns in the United States, then, what is the reason? Moore believes that the cause of this violence is due to the fear and paranoia promoted by the television and media, like the news, or shows like COPS. According to Moore’s argument, these shows presents constantly scenarios of people committing crimes and acts of violence, creating on the audience a sentiment of fear and paranoia. This, as consequence, provokesRead MoreEnvironmental Sustainability Theory : A Critical Review2917 Words  | 12 PagesEnvironmental scarcities theory – a critical review Introduction The problem of environmental degradation stands among the most grievous issues of the civilized world today like global poverty and international terrorism. Climate change, water shortage, deforestation – even though mentioned in its many different forms the effect that humanity has had and is having over nature is a cause for global concern now more than ever before. Consequently, the topic of environmentally induced conflictsRead MoreModern War2230 Words  | 9 Pagesmodern war? Was it the Napolianic wars, the Crimean War or the American Civil War? If you Google it, it would be between the Crimean War and the American Civil War. However each of these wars can be considered the first modern war based on different merits. These wars can share similarities between each other which can create confusion over the question what was the first modern war. Following the French Revolution the idea of the state was changed the boundaries and leaders soon began the rallying
Monday, May 11, 2020
Pros And Cons Of Vaccination - 770 Words
The debate over vaccinations continues to dominate the public health domain, with parties on both sides of the aisle taking a strong stance in their views. On one side, there are critics that identify personal reasons or beliefs to utilize exemptions from vaccinating a child. On the other side, there are advocates who recognize serious illnesses and diseases that societies could be exposed to and promote vaccinations to aid in preventing the spread of such infections. Understanding the concerns raised from both sides, my perspective on this issue must side with that of scientific-based evidence. There are numerous studies from various public health organizations and researchers that validate childhood vaccinations supporting preventable†¦show more content†¦One mother from the documentary stated that her child’s health is a private affair, not a public one. Personally, I reject this notion because once her unvaccinated child goes into the public arena, her childâ€⠄¢s health is no longer a private matter and could potentially jeopardize the health of others. The same mother in the documentary also stated that she would rather have her child get sick as opposed to getting a vaccine because â€Å"getting sick is not a bad thing.†Unfortunately, there are many parents out there that support this type of pseudoscientific belief (Miller, 2015). This type of mentality and thought process does not register well with me as I base my beliefs on facts, not on theories. Others in the documentary stated that the amount of vaccines administered to children has increased over the years and providing several immunizations to a child can hinder a child’s immune system, although studies have suggested this hypothesis to be contrary (Miller, 2015). When it comes to understanding the opponents of vaccinations, it all comes down to how a parent is perceiving the benefits and risks for their child. Anti-vaccine individuals do not weigh this type on how it will impact society, they focus on if their child will suffer a consequence from vaccinating (Hicks, 2017). Some skeptics also state opposition due to religious beliefs, yet none of the well-recognized religions practiced around the world such asShow MoreRelatedVaccination Pros And Cons878 Words  | 4 Pagesmakes vaccination controversial; is it the risk of the drug’s side effect? The ingredients used to create the drug? Do the Pros outweigh the Cons? How effective are vaccines? The debate about giving the vaccine to children are the group that is anti-vaccination â€Å"say that children’s immune systems can deal with most infections naturally and that injecting questionable vaccine ingredients into a child may cause side effects, including seizures, paralysis, and death.†The group for vaccination arguesRead MorePros And Cons Of Vaccinations1285 Words  | 6 Pages Vaccinations are a heavily debated topic in society today. Vaccinations have long been defined as a successful health measure, but the safety of vaccines raise concerns among many parents. According to Glanz et al., â€Å"The issue of vaccine hesitancy can be examined from several different angles, many of which point to the delicate balance between personal liberty and public health†(2). Personal rights and public health concerns, collide on this subject. Many parents want to decide if their childrenRead MorePros And Cons Of Vaccination750 Words  | 3 PagesBenefits and Dangers of Vaccinations There are many types of vaccinations used for many types of illnesses. They can vary from some small illness to a deadly illness that is very contagious. Some vaccinations are used for DPT (Diptheria, Pertussis, Tetanus), Diptheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Poliomyelitis and MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella). There are many pros of vaccinations. One of them is most healthcare professionals believe ion their effectiveness. It is believed that vaccinations are the cause of aRead MorePros And Cons Of Vaccination1665 Words  | 7 PagesVaccinations, Worth A Shot! Mandated Vaccinations are a huge argument right now because of health and disease issues. There are people on both sides of this argument. Some people are against vaccinating their children because they feel they are being forced to have their child get vaccinated. While some people feel the need that vaccinations are important to protect themselves from any illness or diseases. Vaccinations should be mandatory for all schools and health care purposes. For one, peopleRead MorePros and Cons to Vaccination in Children1750 Words  | 7 PagesSeptember 1st 2014 Pros and Cons to Vaccinations in Children Almost everyone has heard of the benefits and dangers of childhood vaccines. Parents are especially eager to do what is best for their child to protect him or her. Some people have different opinions on what the best specifically entails when it comes to childhood vaccines. Vaccinations are a controversial discussion as parents question whether it should be mandatory or optional when they feel the cons outweigh the pros. The government saysRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Vaccination1037 Words  | 5 Pageswith autism or a deceased child because you refused to vaccinate? Chances are, you would prefer to have a child with autism. There are parents who have read articles falsely linking vaccines to autism causing them to make the decision to deny vaccinations. Their refusal not only puts their child at risk, but other children surrounding them. Their denial erases the long-standing history of saving lives and the eradication of deadly diseases around the world. This also undermines the research andRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Vaccination1011 Words  | 5 PagesVaccinations have gone through opposition and critics, but for the most part legislation has been slow, but treated vaccination fairly. To this day vaccination still faces many of the challenges that it faced in the early nineteenth century. The reasons have gone from personal freedom issues and just the overall effectiveness of mass immunization. The courts in the nineteenth century typically supported the enactment of mandatory vaccination programs. Most importantly for the future of mandatoryRead MorePros And Cons Of Vaccination1241 Words  | 5 Pagescausing adverse effects and conditions. A world without vaccines would be full of illness and diseases. Thanks to vaccines a lot of diseases are almost gone from the U.S. today. According to CDC, in 1979, Japan decided to reduce their pertussis vaccinations and as a result they suffered a major epidemic resulting in 13,000 cases of whooping cough and 41 deaths. In 1981 they began vaccinating again and the number of pertussis cases dropped. This research reveals the importance of vaccines and how theyRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Vaccinations1465 Words  | 6 Pagesgeneral public healthy. Vaccinations have always been a topic of contention in regards to younger children, but have been a staple of health for older adults. In fact, college requirements for vaccinations are mandatory, and failure to get the proper vaccines before college starts could result in holds on college students’ accounts or delays in registering for classes. For some students the vaccines are simple to procure, but for others the concept of required vaccinations serve as a real barrierRead MoreDiscussing the Pros and Cons of Vaccinations673 Words  | 3 PagesDiscussing the Pros And Cons Of Vacciniations Thesis: Vaccinations have many benefits including the prevention of certain diseases but they also can cause issues and be very riskful in using them to treat or prevent a disease. Some of these issues include the ethic dilemma behind the subject. Introduction: Vaccines are among the most affordable and successful public health tools for preventing disease, disability, and sometimes death. Not only do they protect a vaccinated individual from developing
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Helping Others Free Essays
Helping others can be very rewarding and beneficial to both parties. After going to the Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting and Our Community Place (OCP), I have realized the benefits of helping others and I have gained new perspectives on others. While I was there I met some very interesting people that might not have the best lives but they know how to make the best of what they have. We will write a custom essay sample on Helping Others or any similar topic only for you Order Now I felt like I gained some knowledge and insight on different things and it made me feel good to help them out. In my lifetime I feel as though I have overcome many obsticles and accomplished many goals and as I looked around at others that were less fortunate than me I became even more thankful and more willing to help others. It made me feel good to see others happier and to make their day and things a little better. On Sunday night my roommate and I went to the Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting in a building downtown Harrisonburg called the Club with my friend Joseph. The place did not look like a club where you party at but it looked like just a normal building with a lot of cars there. If you drove by you would not know that it was an Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting location. When I first went in I did not expect to see that there were so many normal people in there. This place seems like a place that you have to go to when you are in trouble and have nothing else to do. There was a range of people from my age to elderly people. The people that looked like they had the most trouble were the older people and the younger ones were in there because they might have been more curious of what goes on in the meetings. The open meetings are a place where anyone can go to get help or support others. I went with my friend for support and to gain knowledge about the truth behind alcoholism and to see what it’s like in real life versus the movies and television. It was very different from what I expected. I wasn’t expecting such real problems and people in the situations. I feel like in real life people don’t go through all these bad things due to that I see it happen so much in everyday life that everyone lives as actors and goes home to a normal life and not this sad, difficult problem. The largest part of the meeting was support orientated and sharing stories, struggles and success. I got to hear how they got there and what they are doing to stay strong. The stories that were told were confidential and very heart breaking. It made alcohol seem like such a controlling substance that can become deadly if used too much or in large amounts at one time. Alcohol is never seen as being bad or controlling until people start binge drinking and it gets out of hand and we need help. I feel that if college kids would listen to some of the situations and the real struggles of others then they would feel less obligated to get drunk all the time. Some of these people have hit rock bottom and you could see who they really were and the struggles they went through. There were many different stories on how they got to where they were and what pushed them to go the right way. Some were their kids and families or someone who took the time to help them and show them things could get better. There were a few parents there that wanted more information about how the kids in this generation were abusing alcohol so they knew what to look for in their own children. This type of meeting for the community is very helpful due to that everything is confidential and you can get help for free. I feel like if I could change something about the meeting is making it so that you don’t have to say your name in the beginning because it makes people seem insecure about themselves. Our community Center us a place for those to go who could need help in a variety of ways. Some see it as a church or a counseling center. It is a place to go for enjoyment and help. They provide food and exercising as well as plays, activities or talent shows. The shelter is a place for homeless people in the city and a place for them to pray and seek religious insight. The leader of the OCP is Ron Copland and is a great supporter and motivator for this shelter. He wants everyone to feel closer and equal. He has had many great ideas to make this place a successful shelter and made him a respectable leader and achiever. He is extremely dedicated and spends most of his time and money into this volunteer only facility. He is a very inspirational man and has done so much in his lifetime to help others that time I was there I wanted to help and show my gratitude and respect for all he has done. He is a wonderful man and he has succeeded in life. The OCP is a group that uses caring experiences and working together to help others. Recovering alcoholics and current alcoholics come here to work together and keep busy while trying to get over their problem. They use agriculture and other jobs to show them how to move on and work together. They use a program called OCM which is our community works. They learn to work with each other versus doing it all alone. The center does many activities and programs to get everyone involved and help them run these programs and volunteers like my self help keep this wonderful place in the right direction. When I went to the center there was a talent show. Everyone there had a job to do for the show to be put on. They were people from little kids to older adults and they all worked together like they were best friends who know each other forever. OCP is an effective program that is steadily spreading to more individuals. It brings not only people without homes together but those people of the community. It makes us thankful for what we have and realize they are real people. We don’t see homeless people we see every day plain-Jane citizens. We see our community in new light. Each Program had its own approach to the problem at hand. The alcoholics anonymous meeting was depressing and awkward. People were sad and uncomfortable and no one sounded like they wanted to be there. The OCP was much more upbeat and happy. I feel that it is a much better way to get over alcoholism. It gives you activities to keep your mind off drinking and keeps you happy. I would rather forget about a drink than talk about it in an awkward group meeting. I think MR. Copland was onto something when he opened the OCP. But just like any idea it may not work for everyone. Both of these situations have shown me another side of the tracks. Both community programs help others and have me a different perspective on alcoholics and their situations. Hearing their stories was very sad and I could not imagine what they go through. Mr. Copland and his hard work made me inspired to work to help others. He has helped so many people and it felt good to show people that they are equal and can get their problems taken care of. How to cite Helping Others, Papers
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Moral and Ethical Issues and the Foundation of Special Education
The disability topic has always elicited a lot of debate whenever it is mentioned .Throughout the history of humanity, there have been conflicting viewpoints concerning disability. The difference in perspectives depends entirely on the available policies about people with special needs together with the level of awareness in the society. The term disability is very broad and people have always argued about the real definition of disability.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Moral and Ethical Issues and the Foundation of Special Education specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Disability is a condition that entails physical impairments that eventually lead to inability of the person to fully participate in day to day life activities. These physical limitations together with the general perspectives of the society constitute the complicated concept of disability. This essay will discuss the various disability philosophies and issues of the 19th century in comparison with the current ones. Disability philosophies have contributed a great deal in the way the disabled people are treated in the society. Disability occurs as a result of impairments that limit the normal functioning of the body. When the body subsystems are impaired in one way or another, the person becomes physically restricted in performing some essential functions (Meade Serlin, 2006). The visual, sensory or auditory systems are key to the normal functioning of the body. When these subsystems are impaired, the person qualifies to receive special treatment. Any impairment that limits the motor ability of the body is termed as a physical disability. There are other categories of disabilities including mental retardation, developmental disability and social disabilities. The disability condition can be acquired in one’s lifetime or one can be born with disability (Jaeger, 2009). There have been a lot of issues surrounding disabilit y. The first issue arises in the name they should be called. Many people with disabilities feel offended when referred to as disabled. This has always sparked a lot of argument about the right name to be used to refer to them. The disability rights activists have been very critical on the use of this name arguing that many people are prone to become disabled due to accidents and illnesses. The issues of masculinity and feminism have a great effect on disabled people. Disabled men are forced to re-define masculinity not based on their physical abilities but on their ability to face life with courage and optimism despite their condition (Jaeger, 2009). Disabled women face double tragedy because they have to confront feminism and disability at the same time. Apart from facing the stigma associated with disabled people, they also face the issue of discrimination against women. These women are charged with a heavy responsibility of fighting the two wars.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More There are two models associated with disability. The societal model and the medical model are very different from each other in terms of philosophy. In medical terms, disability is viewed as a personal problem that requires professional medical care and treatment. The main issue in the medical model is treatment and care of the disabled people wich can be enhance by comprehensive health care policies that cater for the people with disabilities. In the societal context, disability is seen as a problem created by the society (Carlson, 2009). The situation can only be managed by appropriate social actions involving all the stakeholders in the community. Social change ensures equality in access to opportunities regardless of one’s condition. The disability history is wide and quite intriguing as well. Although there were issues and philosophies concerning disabled people from the 17 th century, the 19th century experienced increased awareness and viewpoints about disability. During the 19th century, disability was seen as a race issue (Derlin Pothier, 2008). The whites saw themselves as the normal people and the rest of the races were viewed as abnormal. In the industrialization period, women were also regarded as disabled because of their excessive emotions and physical weaknesses (Meade Serlin, 2006). This claim denied women a chance of participating in politics and industrial work. At this point, disability was also defined on gender basis. In the industrialized western countries, disability was seen as the reversal of the evolution process (Meade Serlin, 2006). The disability issue was so serious that some immigrant countries went ahead to formulate laws that block would disabled people from entering their countries. People with physical and mental disabilities were the most affected by the laws. Acts of criminality and immorality were condemned in the st rongest of terms by these nations. Immorality and criminality were seen as signs of mental disability (Derlin Pothier, 2008). The immigrant nations continued with their concerted efforts to lock out disabled immigrants by revisiting the race issue. They believed that certain races and nationalities were more prone to physical and psychological impairment than others. They tightened their restrictions on these nationalities terming them as undesirable in their countries. In the late 19th century, some Western countries like the U.S established disability centers where the disabled people could be gathered and restrained. This was an attempt to separate them from the rest of the (Carlson, 2009). Children with cognitive and psychological impairments formed the majority of those in the centers.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Moral and Ethical Issues and the Foundation of Special Education specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The disability definitions and philosophies have changed a great deal in the 21st century. Various international organizations like the World Health Organization have come into place and completely revolutionnalised disability viewpoints and policies. The attitudes about people with disabilities have completely changed in recent times. The traditional mind set about disabled people is continually being erased from the minds of people thanks to concerted awareness efforts put in place by various Government and Non-Governmental Organizations (Derlin Pothier, 2008). The disability is not inability campaigns have borne much fruits because disabled people can now be recognized in the society. The traditional notion that disabled people are beggars has been proved wrong because this group of people have proved that they can also work and earn their daily bread without depending on anyone (Ralson, 2009). The number of disabled people working in different organizations has been imp roving over the years. Disability rights activists have been at the forefront in fighting for equal access to opportunities. The 21st century has experienced an increase in the number of special schools all over the world to cater for the special needs of disabled students. It has been proved that children with disabilities can actually score good grades in school if given the required facilities and support. The public and health policies are instrumental in ensuring people with disabilities receive equal treatment and opportunities (Ralson, 2009). Governments who are reluctant to formulate and enact disability policies have been put under a lot of pressure by international bodies on human rights to comply with the specified conditions. The 21st century has experienced a lot of positives concerning disability rights. The disability history from the 19th century to now has seen tremendous changes that are worth looking at. The immigration restrictions imposed on people with disabili ties in the 19th century are now a thing of the past. The international immigration laws forbid denial of entry to a certain nation on the basis of disability. People with disabilities can now enjoy the freedom of moving in any country of their choice without facing discrimination (Marshall, 2009). The other current positive is that people with disability can now be given a chance to go to school and pursue their dreams just like anyone else. This was actually beyond imagination in the 19th century. In the 19th century, disabled people were viewed as outcasts who were not needed in the society. They were branded useless and enable to achieve anything in life (Marshall, 2009).Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The race issue in the 19th century was a serious issue that promoted a lot of hatred and sheer brutality .The notion that some races were prone to physical and psychological impairments than others is actually fallacious. The recent campaigns against racism have actually helped in reducing incidences of racism allover the world. In the modern world, disability is no longer defined in terms of race but in terms of one’s physical and psychological conditions (Meade Serlin, 2006). The modern man has realized that the condition of disability is not a reserve of some nationalities and races but can be faced with everyone (Marshall, 2009). The viewpoints and philosophies about disabilities in the 19th century were very discriminatory and unfair in all terms. Coming to think of being denied access to a certain country because of your condition is actually dehumanizing and unfair. It is a pity that those people had no idea that disability is a condition that anyone can get into. The idea of defining disability in terms of race is actually absurd. There is no superior race than the other in terms of cognitive and mental abilities. There were some reported cases where disabled people were even killed or completely alienated from the rest of the society because they were seen as undesirable. The perpetrators of those brutal acts did not even consider if they were the ones in a similar situation. In conclusion, the philosophies on disability have been changing over time. The 19th century experienced a dark phase in the life of disabled people all over the world. The discrimination and the acrimony of the people living with disabilities sparked a lot of international outcry for the recognition of disability rights by Governments all over the world. International bodies on human rights have played a major role in notifying the disabled about their rights and at the same time pushing for policy reforms that would accommodate people with disability. These efforts have borne fruits because discrimination against people with disabilities has declined significantly. References Carlson, L. (2009). The faces of intellectual disability: Philosophical reflections. New York, NY: Indiana University Press. Devlin, F.R Pothier, D. (2008). Critical disability theory: Essays in philosophy, politics, policy and law. New York, NY: UBC Press. Jaeger, P.T et al. (2009). Disability matters (Gpg) (PB). New York, NY: IAP Publishers. Marshall, C.A. (2009). Disabilities: Insights from across fields and around the world. Praeger Perspectives, 1, 38-66. Meade, T. Serlin, D. (2006). Disability and history. Radical History Review, 94, 98-218 Ralson, P.C. Ho, J. (2009). Philosophical reflections on disability. Philosophy and Medicine, 104, 22-58. This essay on Moral and Ethical Issues and the Foundation of Special Education was written and submitted by user Clara Elliott to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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